Current Issue : 3rd volume Issue 3, July-September 2024

1. Assessment of Psychosocial Problems Among Adolescents. Mrs. Shashwati sur 1 – 6
2. A study to assess the knowledge and reported practice on use of Herbal complementary therapies among patients with type II Diabetes mellitus residing in a selected urban area in Bangalore city. Mrs. Soniyan Naik 7 – 11
3. A descriptive study on attitude of basic B.Sc. Nursing first semester students towards nursing profession at selected nursing colleges, Bengaluru. Ms Mutum Leninsciencethiya Devi, Mrs Mamata N, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 12 – 17
4. Practical skills of fourth year B.Sc. Nursing students on breastfeeding assistance Ms Jerusha J, Dr. Sheela J, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 18 – 22
5. A Study to Assess the Smartphone Usage Addiction with Text Neck Syndrome Occurrence Among Adolescents Mrs Fareeda T T, Mrs. Gauthami H, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 23 – 27
6. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding HPV Infection Among Asha Workers in Selected Rural Area at Bengaluru. Mrs. Geetha.N 28 – 31
7. A Study to Assess the Level of family Support and Quality of Life of Patients with Epilepsy at selected Hospitals in Chennai. Mrs. Surekha Appireddygari 32 – 35
8. A Nomophobia and its correlation with quality of sleep among adolescents Mrs Beena, Mrs. Gauthami H, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 36 – 42
9. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programmers on Knowledge Regarding Management of Covid-19 Among Pregnant Women in Selected Area Bangalore Ms Pushpmani Xaxa, Prof. Jacline Jabagany, Prof. Yashodamma R 43 – 46
10. Practical skills of fourth year B.Sc. Nursing students on kangaroo mother care Mrs. Mamaduo Pethe Diallo, Dr. Sheela J, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 47 – 52
11. Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on vaccine preventive disorders among the adults in selected rural areas, Bangalore. Ms. Jinsha Raj. P, Mr. Nikhil George 53 – 58
1. Assessment of Psychosocial Problems Among Adolescents. Mrs. Shashwati sur 1 – 6
2. A study to assess the knowledge and reported practice on use of Herbal complementary therapies among patients with type II Diabetes mellitus residing in a selected urban area in Bangalore city. Mrs. Soniyan Naik 7 – 11
3. A descriptive study on attitude of basic B.Sc. Nursing first semester students towards nursing profession at selected nursing colleges, Bengaluru. Ms Mutum Leninsciencethiya Devi, Mrs Mamata N, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 12 – 17
4. Practical skills of fourth year B.Sc. Nursing students on breastfeeding assistance Ms Jerusha J, Dr. Sheela J, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 18 – 22
5. A Study to Assess the Smartphone Usage Addiction with Text Neck Syndrome Occurrence Among Adolescents Mrs Fareeda T T, Mrs. Gauthami H, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 23 – 27
6. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding HPV Infection Among Asha Workers in Selected Rural Area at Bengaluru. Mrs. Geetha.N 28 – 31
7. A Study to Assess the Level of family Support and Quality of Life of Patients with Epilepsy at selected Hospitals in Chennai. Mrs. Surekha Appireddygari 32 – 35
8. A Nomophobia and its correlation with quality of sleep among adolescents Mrs Beena, Mrs. Gauthami H, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 36 – 42
9. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programmers on Knowledge Regarding Management of Covid-19 Among Pregnant Women in Selected Area Bangalore Ms Pushpmani Xaxa, Prof. Jacline Jabagany, Prof. Yashodamma R 43 – 46
10. Practical skills of fourth year B.Sc. Nursing students on kangaroo mother care Mrs. Mamaduo Pethe Diallo, Dr. Sheela J, Dr.S R Gajendra Singh 47 – 52
11. Effectiveness of Self-Instructional Module on vaccine preventive disorders among the adults in selected rural areas, Bangalore. Ms. Jinsha Raj. P, Mr. Nikhil George 53 – 58