The RVJNS call paper / articles for publication of original articles (research) & scientific articles dealing with different fields such as Medical-Surgical, Mental Health, Community Health, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, as well as Nursing Education and Administration; case reports related to any of these fields; review articles and columns (short communications pertaining to any discipline in nursing practice, education, and administration).
Types of Articles and Word Limits :
Original articles include randomised controlled trials, intervention studies, studies of screening and diagnostic tests, outcome studies, cost-effectiveness analyses, case-control series, and surveys with a high response rate. This article must be written within 3000 words, excluding references and an abstract. A structured abstract of up to 250 words should be included with the following subheadings: background, methods, results, and conclusion. The content of the original article should be structured as follows: title, authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements, conflicts of interest, and references.
Review articles include systemic critical assessments of literature and data sources. These kinds of articles must be written within 4000 words, excluding references and an abstract. An unstructured abstract of up to 250 words should be included.
Case reports or case studies should be short, decisive observations. These should be kept within 2000 words with not more than 15 references and up to 4 tables or figures. An unstructured abstract of up to 200 words should also be included. The content should have the following headings: abstract, keywords, introduction, case presentation, discussion, and references.
These follow a similar format as the original articles; however, the results and discussion sections in the main body of the text should be combined. The word count for brief reports should be kept within 1500 words in the main body of the text, with up to 15 references and not more than 2 tables or figures.
- Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0, which allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work for non-commercial purposes.
- Under this license, proper credit must be given to the authors, a link to the license should be provided, and any modifications made to the work must be indicated.
- It is important to respect the integrity of the work and avoid using it in any manner that may harm the authors or the journal.
For more information, please refer
Copyright of all contents in the journal including articles published therein will be the right of RV Journal of Nursing Sciences (RVJNS).
Article Publication Charges (APCs)
Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees charged by some academic journals to cover the costs of publishing an article in open-access format. These fees are typically paid by the author(s), their institution, or funding bodies, ensuring that the article is freely accessible to all readers.
Our open access journals charge an APC to cover the costs involved in the publication process, from administrating peer-review to copy editing and hosting the final article on dedicated servers.
Payment of publication charges
When submitting an article to a RV journal of Nursing Sciences (RVJNS), the submitting author must attest that the corresponding author will pay the publication charge. (If there are multiple corresponding authors, one should be designated as the responsible corresponding author). After acceptance, the article will enter the production cycle and the corresponding author will be asked to sign a copy right form and remit payment as applicable. When final formatting corrections are made and the author approves their article for publication, payment of the APC must be received before the article will be published online.
Payment of publication charges
- ₹1500.00 (Inclusive of 18% GST) for Indian authors.
- ₹2500.00 for Foreign authors.
Discounts and Waivers
APC waivers and discounts may be offered in cases of financial need for articles submitted to RV Journal of Nursing Sciences by the Faculty and Students of RV College of Nursing.
Archiving Policy
The purpose of this archiving policy is to ensure the long-term preservation, accessibility, and security of scholarly content published in the RV Journal of Nursing Sciences. We recognize the importance of archiving to safeguard knowledge and facilitate future research. By implementing this archiving policy, RVJNS aims to contribute to the global scholarly community by ensuring the longevity and accessibility of our valuable research output.
Self-Archiving Rights
- All authors retain full copyright and self-archiving rights.
- Authors are also permitted to archive their articles as “pre-prints” in open-access repositories.
Published Version:
While we encourage self-archiving, the published version is accessible directly from our journal’s platform.
Repository policy
The RV Journal of Nursing Sciences (RVJNS) recognizes the importance of maximizing the visibility and accessibility of scholarly research by supporting the self-archiving of its publications. Here’s an outline of RVJNS repository policy:
RVJNS Repository Policy
Objective: To enhance the dissemination and impact of published research by allowing authors to archive versions of their work in institutional or subject-specific repositories.
Repository Locations:
Institutional Repositories: Authors are encouraged to use their institutional repositories to ensure that their research is accessible within their academic community.
Acknowledgment of Publication: All repository versions must include proper citation of the published work with a link to the journal’s homepage or the direct URL of the published article on RVJNS website.
Accessibility: RVJNS aims to promote accessibility and long-term archiving of scholarly articles, enhancing their visibility and impact.
Open Access Journals
An open access journal is a scholarly journal which are published by RV Journal of Nursing Sciences (RVJNS) have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently available online to everyone to read, download, Copy and use the material.
Peer Review Policy
Peer review is a process in which an editorial board comprising subject experts reviews and evaluates submitted articles to determine their suitability for publication. In this process, manuscripts submitted by authors are evaluated by members of the RVJNS Peer Review Committee. These committee members are experts in the relevant field of nursing. All the manuscripts submitted to the RV Journal of Nursing Sciences (RVJNS) will be subjected to a double-blinded peer-review process. In this model, neither authors nor reviewers know each other’s identities.
Peer Review Process
The Editor-in-Chief of RVJNS initially assesses all submitted manuscripts. Articles that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to at least two experts for peer review, while those lacking originality, containing significant scientific flaws, exhibiting poor grammar or language quality, falling outside the journal’s aims and scope, or failing to adhere to the journal’s guidelines are rejected.